How to introduce a dog to wearing a cone in 6 easy steps. This prevents increased stress during post-op recovery or other medical treatments and helps a dog figure out how to maneuver while wearing a cone around the home.
A free resource to record a puppy's potty habits, so everyone can stay on top of potty training. Logging a puppy's progress will minimize potty accidents.
Socialization is so important for puppies. Preventive Vet's free Pupstanding® smartphone app helps a puppy learn that new people, sounds, textures, and being handled are all things to not worry about! Interactive checklist of 100 things to positively expose a puppy to.
Cats don't always get along, and it's stressful for families. We share the steps to help change the behavior, and our team, specializing in feline behavior, answer cat owner questions.
We have several articles for cat owners addressing the most common litter box issues and the potentially fatal urethral obstruction.
A treatment authorization form helps to ensure that pets will get the care they need if an illness or emergency occurs when their owner is away. This template can be easily filled in and printed.
It can be very confusing for a dog if one person allows them on the furniture, and another person yells at them when they jump up on the couch to cuddle. This worksheet provides some things to consider as a family establishes their house rules so that they're clear and consistent.
Calculate a pet's minimum and maximum dosage of diphenhydramine antihistamine (Benadryl®) with this easy-to-use calculator.