help for getting your puppy used to handling

Puppy Socialization Resources: Handling

Puppy socialization is essential for raising a well-behaved and confident dog. A big part of socialization is helping your puppy learn how to tolerate (and even enjoy) being handled for basic care. Teaching your puppy to enjoy being touched and handled will significantly ease the grooming and veterinary processes, ensuring a stress-free experience for both you and your dog.

The videos below offer valuable insights and practical tips on how to introduce your puppy to different handling techniques, using positive reinforcement with high-value treats to build trust and comfort.

Whether it's nail trimming, wearing a muzzle, or general grooming, these exercises are designed to help your puppy become comfortable with various forms of touch and handling. We've also included some helpful videos on how to introduce your puppy to cooperative care training.

Remember, patience and consistency are key—if your puppy shows signs of stress while you practice, take a break and try again later with a gentler approach. There's no reason to race through handling training. Go at your puppy's pace to ensure they aren't overwhelmed.

Explore our resources and videos for step-by-step instructions to make this learning process enjoyable and effective for you and your pup.

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Use the Pupstanding App to Track How Your Puppy Is Doing 

Our Pupstanding app is a valuable tool for tracking your puppy's progress with handling socialization. This user-friendly app allows you to grade your handling sessions, which you can then share with your dog trainer for extra support where needed.


Videos: Puppy Handling and Cooperative Care Practice

Teach Your Puppy to Love Being Handled

Conditioning Your Dog to Love Nail Trimming

Teach Your Puppy to File Their Own Nails

Cooperative Care for Cleaning Your Dog's Ears

Teach Your Dog to Wear a Muzzle

5 Tips for Training Your Dog to Like Grooming

Teaching a Chin Rest for Cooperative Care

Introducing Teeth Brushing to a Puppy

Share Your Experience: Take Our Survey on Puppy Handling

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