Create Your Own Dog Training Cue List
Download our Free Template

Clear and consistent communication is essential for living with and training your dog. It's challenging for your puppy to understand expectations if different family members use different cues for the same behavior. For instance, one person might say, "Lie Down," while another says, "Down." Consistency is key—choose one word for each cue and ensure everyone uses it. This consistency helps your dog learn faster and more effectively.

To make it easier for your dog (and you), print out and customize the Dog Training Cue List template. Write down your family's chosen cue word for each behavior and post the list in a visible location. Share this list with everyone who interacts with your dog, including your dog walker, trainer, and pet sitter, to ensure that your dog receives consistent cues from all caregivers.

By following these steps, you create a more predictable and less confusing learning environment for your dog, facilitating quicker and more reliable training skills. Consistency in communication is a foundational element in effective dog training, leading to a well-behaved and happy dog!

Remember, clear cues help reinforce desired behaviors and reduce confusion for your dog, making training sessions more productive and enjoyable for both of you.

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free template: dog training verbal cue list examples

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